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  • Flight Itineraries
  • Flight specific information
  • Flight Disruption Overview
  • Other Information
  • Personal information
  • Application for Someone Else
  • Application Guideline
  • File Attachments
  • Application Completed

Flight Itineraries

Please enter the flight itineraries for which you are claiming compensation.

Enter the flight itineraries


If you have a connecting flight, please enter it.

Flight specific information

Please enter specific information for each flight.

Flight specific information

Enter alternate flight

If you took an alternate flight instead of the scheduled flight, please enter the alternate flight information.

Flight Disruption Overview

What problems did you experience?

How late did you arrive at the airport than your scheduled arrival time?

Did you voluntarily give up your seat?

When did the airline inform you of the cancellation? (relative to the departure date)

What was the cause explained by the airline, if any?

Other Information

Please let us know if there’s anything you want to share with us related to the case.

Enter other information

Additional Comments (Optional)

Personal information

Please enter the applicant's personal information.

Enter personal information

* All fields are required.

For overseas remittances outside of S. Korea, a remittance brokerage fee will be charged.

Delegation Agreement

Delegation Agreement

Delegator (hereinafter “Party A”): Customer

Delegated person (hereinafter “Party B”): Law firm Jim-Myong appointed attorneys Young-Sik Park, Jae-Hyeok Huh and Min-Jeong Kim

Article 1 [Purpose]

Party A delegates to Party B the responsibility to apply for compensations for damages resulting from delays or cancellations attributable to the airline (hereinafter referred to as “delegated affairs”), and Party B accepts this responsibility.

Article 2 [Scope of Authorization]

* Qualifications and powers granted to Party B

- Apply for compensations for damages resulting from delays and cancellations attributable to airlines, and proceed with the necessary procedure

- Application for mediation with the Korea Consumer Protection Agency and proceeding with the procedure

- Any litigation such as filing a lawsuit in the first trial and proceeding with the procedure

- Complaints and Responses

- Judicial and Extrajudicial Settlement

- Waiver and Acknowledgment of Claim

- Voluntarily dismiss a cause of action before or during trial

- Appointment of sub-agent

- All communications and negotiations with airlines

- Receiving compensation etc., from airlines

- Request and receipt of deposit and interest

- Application for maximum exercise of security right, application for cancellation of security, consent to the application, receipt of a copy of the decision to cancel security, waiver of the right to appeal against the cancellation decision

- Application for confirmation of litigation costs and receipt of litigation costs

Article 3 [Limitation of Delegation]

The limits of the duties delegated by Party A to Party B are limited to the first instance in the case of a lawsuit.

Article 4 [Obligation of Party B]

Party B, acting as a legal representative, manages the delegated affairs with the diligence of a prudent manager, in accordance with the terms of the delegation and the rights and obligations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Article 5 [Providing data, etc.]

Party A shall, without delay, respond to the requested data or inquired matters as it is deemed necessary for Party B to handle the delegated affairs.

Article 6 [Remuneration]

① In all cases where Party A receives compensation from the airline after Party B starts the entrusted work and puts considerable effort (regardless of the specific form of the airline’s voluntary payment, arbitration, mediation, reconciliation, judgment, etc.), 25% of the compensation (excluding VAT) is paid to Party B as remuneration. However, in the case of a civil lawsuit, the remuneration payment can be discussed separately, and if there is no separate agreement, it shall be 25% (excluding VAT).

② In the case of the termination of this delegation contract due to the judgment of the first trial in a civil litigation, regardless of whether both parties appeal or whether compensation is received, the remuneration payment ratio (25% or The amount multiplied by a separate agreement ratio) (excluding VAT) is paid as remuneration.

Article 7 [Payment of Expenses]

Party A shall bear actual expenses (such as stamp fee, service fee, appraisal fee, advance payment, deposit, etc., travel expenses, and other necessary actual expenses) required for Party B to perform the entrusted affairs.

Article 8 [Receiving compensation, remuneration and settlement of expenses]

① Party A shall not directly receive compensation from the airline without prior consultation with Party B.

② If Party B receives compensation in accordance with Paragraph ①, the remaining amount after deducting the remuneration under Article 6 and expenses under Article 7 from the compensation received shall be deposited into the account notified by Party A.

③ Notwithstanding Paragraph ①, if Party A receives compensation directly from the airline, Party A shall immediately pay the remuneration under Article 6 and expenses under Article 7 to Party B. In case of delay in payment, an interest of 15% per annum shall be added to the payment.

Article 9 [Termination of Contract]

① Party B may terminate this Contract and resign at any time in the following cases.

1. In case Party B determines that there is no real benefit in proceeding with the procedure after reviewing the case (If it is judged that party A does not meet the requirements for receiving compensation, etc.).

2. In case Party A breaks the trust relationship by contacting the airline directly or receiving compensation directly from the airline without prior consultation with Party B.

3. When Party A does not fulfill the obligations stipulated in this contract or the facts stated in the delegated affairs are false (even if it's not intentional).

② In the event that Party A unilaterally terminates the delegation contract without a justifiable reason after Party B commences the delegation work and puts considerable effort, and if Party B terminates the delegation contract in accordance with Paragraph ① 2, 3 above, Party A shall pay the remuneration under Article 6 and the expenses under Article 7 to Party B.

Article 10 [Notice]

Party B shall notify Party A of the processing status of the entrusted affairs and the results thereof, and when the delegation is terminated, the Party B shall notify Party A without delay of the results.

Article 11 [Storage of Data]

For Party B to handle the delegated affairs, the data provided by Party A may be disposed of within 3 months after the end of the delegated affairs.

Article 12 [engrave a seal]

If necessary for the performance of the delegated affairs (sealing various powers of attorney, etc.), Party B can engrave the seal of Party A and use it.

Article 13 [Confidentiality]

① Party B shall keep all confidential information of Party A acquired during business and shall not disclose it to a third party without the consent of Party A except in cases where it is necessary for business performance or legally required to do so.

② Notwithstanding Paragraph ① above, Party B may post damage and compensation cases on party B's website ( to the extent that Party A's personal information does not appear.

Article 14 [Relationship with Civil Law]

Except as otherwise provided for in this contract, the provisions of the Korean Civil Act on delegation shall apply.

Article 15 [Applicable Law]

This delegation Agreement is a translation of the Korean version. In the event of any conflicting interpretation of the Korean and the English texts, the Korean version will take precedence.

Have you reviewed the details of the delegation contract?

In accordance with the delegation contract, would you entrust the Law Firm Ji-Myeong (attorneys Young-sik Park, Jae-hyuk Heo, and Min-jeong Kim) to the task of claiming compensation for damages caused by delays or cancellations due to reasons attributable to the airline?

In accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Personal Information Protection Act in Korea, personal information is collected and used as follows.

Reasons for collecting personal information

Execution and implementation of the delegation contract

Personal information

English name of the delegator, sex, date of birth, address, e-mail address, mobile phone number, flight information, bank account information for receiving compensation

Basis for collection

Personal Information Protection Act of South Korea Article 15 (1) No. 4

Application for Someone Else

You can apply for someone else with the same itinerary

Application for Someone Else

1. Only the parent can apply for minor children.

2. In other cases, except for minor children
 1) Download the delegation contract,
 2) Click “Apply for someone else” at the bottom, fill out the application form,
 3) Scan the delegated applicant’s signature or seal,
 4) Send LawAir email (

   Please follow the above process.

Application Guideline

If you can’t apply for someone else, we can send a reminding email to your companions so that they can apply directly.

Application Guideline

You can only apply for someone else with the same itinerary. Please apply separately for parties with different itineraries.

File Attachments

If you provide us with relevant documents, it will speed up the process.

File Attachments

Please send relevant documents such as e-ticket, boarding pass, and letter from the airline. If you have any problem to attach a file, you can send it to

※ Acceptable file types : pdf,docx,pptx,xlsx,jpg,gif,png / Up to 2MB

Application Completed

Your application for compensation has been completed!

We will ensure that the customer receives the maximum amount of compensation through the analysis of aviation compensation-related laws and various precedents. After the completion of compensation application, next steps are as follows.

1. Case review

· We apply for compensation to the airline after the comprehensive review of data such as flight information, departure and arrival data, and the weather at the airport on the day.
· We will contact you if additional materials required.

2. Sending a claim for compensation

· It usually takes approximately 1-3 months for airlines to review a compensation case. It may take longer for the actual compensation to be deposited.

3. When compensation is confimed

· We will notify the customer by e-mail as soon as the result is received.
· Upon receipt of compensation, we will send the compensation amount, excluding fees, to your account. If necessary, identity verification may be performed.

4. If compensation is refused

· If the application is rejected by the airline, it may be escalated to the Korean Consumer Protection Agency or in rare cases, litigation may proceed. Further details will be provided after LawAir's attorneys review the reasons for the refusal.

If you have any questions regarding the claim for compensation, please feel free to contact us. (